
Improve your appearance and psychology by correcting the fat that accumulates around the abdomen.

What is an abdominoplasty procedure

The fat that accumulates around the abdomen over time, can usually resist diet and exercise.

In cases where there is a lot of laxity and excess skin, abdominoplasty can be administered to the middle and lower parts of the abdomen and tighten the muscles of the abdominal wall. Suitable candidates for abdominoplasty are men and women who have loose and excess skin in the abdomen (usually the result of great weight loss or after pregnancy in women), as well as relaxed abdominal muscles.

Η κοιλιοπλαστική είναι μια επέμβαση, κατά την οποία αφαιρείται το περίσσιο λίπος, συσφίγγοντας τους μυς της κοιλιάς και λεπταίνοντας την περιοχή της μέσης. Όσοι εμφανίζουν καλή ελαστικότητα δέρματος και μέτρια ποσότητα περίσσιου κοιλιακού λίπους, μπορεί να έχουν το επιθυμητό αποτέλεσμα και μόνο μεAbdominoplasty is an operation in which excess fat is removed, tightening the abdominal muscles and thinning the waist area. Those with acceptable skin elasticity and a moderate amount of excess abdominal fat may have the desired effect simply with abdominal liposuction. This usually applies to men who maintain skin elasticity more than women do; while the areas of fat under the skin tend to be more durable than in women, resulting in liposuction usually being more effective for them.

People with normal or slightly increased body weight, who demonstrate laxity and fat storage in the lower abdomen, are also considered ideal candidates for abdominoplasty.

Naturally, pregnancy greatly affects the abdomen area. This results in stretch marks and laxity, both in the muscles as well as the skin of the abdomen. Stretch marks are difficult to treat, but their appearance can be reduced by frequent lubrication and skin care during pregnancy. When a woman shows severe laxity after pregnancy, she may undergo abdominoplasty to remove excess skin and tighten the muscles.


Improve your appearance and psychology by correcting the fat that accumulates around the abdomen.


Limiting smoking as well as alcohol consumption is recommended, while aspirin and multivitamins use is prohibited, and the required period for recovery is 10-15 days.

The procedure

The doctor will examine the problem and recommend what is best (mini-abdominoplasty, abdominoplasty or abdominoplasty combined with liposuction). During the operation, the excess fat and skin are removed from the middle and lower part of the abdomen, and the muscles of the abdominal wall are tightened. The operation lasts from one to two and a half hours, depending on the extent of the problem and the method of treatment.

In cases of slight laxity, the operation can be performed under local anesthesia and you may return home the same day. For greater laxity, general anesthesia and an overnight hospital stay are required.

The mini-abdominoplasty lasts one and a half hours and is done with a surgical incision just above the pubic area, with a length that varies depending on the case.

The navel stays in its place and the laxity is corrected by removing the excess fat.

Complete abdominoplasty is done with a surgical incision diagonally, passing over the pubic area, and a small incision around the navel. The skin and fat are mobilized high up to the sternum and the excess amount that causes laxity is removed. The abdominal wall is tightened with permanent sutures.

After the operation

An elastic bandage is placed around the abdomen, as well as two drains which will remain for 24 hours.

For 3 weeks after the surgery, you will need to wear the special, elastic bandage.

After the operation, recovery takes from one to three weeks, depending on the case. The elastic bandage is worn day and night and the patient sleeps with their back slightly raised, for the first three to four nights. Light walking is allowed at home, gradually increasing over time.

Housework is prohibited for two weeks and going to the gym for three weeks.

A week later, the first visit to the doctor is made to have the incisions checked. Stitches are absorbable.

The patient is examined again after one more week. Surgical incisions vary from person to person, depending on their skin, but in most cases, they improve over time.

Besides, they are in a place where they are covered by underwear or swimwear.


They appear gradually and completion time depends on individual factors. At the end of the recovery, the abdomen appears smoother, tighter and sturdy.

Recovery duration

Recovery lasts from 1 to 3 weeks, depending on the case. The doctor will advise you to abstain from work for the first 2 weeks, while to visit the gym you will need to wait at least 3 weeks.

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