Body Mesotherapy

Improve your appearance and psychology with body mesotherapy.

What is Body Mesotherapy?

With the term body mesotherapy, we refer to the injection of special substances under the surface of the skin (intradermally). This treatment can treat a multitude of skin problems and body imperfections. Body mesotherapy is an injectable technique and can be applied to the buttocks, thighs and generally anywhere there is localized fat and cellulite.

The problem

Localized fat accumulation and cellulite usually begin to appear at the end of puberty. Some genetic, hormonal and vascular factors play an important role in the formation of cellulite and the local accumulation of fat. The problem is greatly aggravated by poor eating habits, sedentary lifestyle and increased stress. Body mesotherapy is therefore the most modern alternative method for dealing with these problems. The desired effect is achieved by injecting mild medicinal substances, vitamins and enzymes into the problem area.

Body Mesotherapy

Improve your appearance and psychology with body mesotherapy.

The benefits offered by Body Mesotherapy

  • Improves skin texture
  • Helps micro-circulation
  • Reduces the amount of fat in the application area
  • It greatly reduces the orange peel look
  • Helps oxygenate tissues

In which areas is body mesotherapy applied?

Areas of localized fat accumulation that exercise and diet cannot correct can be improved with body mesotherapy. Examples of such areas are the thighs, buttocks, knees, abdomen and arms.

What substances are injected into the skin during mesotherapy?

The most common substances used in body mesotherapy are organic silicon, hyaluronic acid, carnitine and caffeine.

What are the results of the operation and how long do they last?

After the application of body mesotherapy, the patient notices, in addition to the loss of local fat, the appearance of his skin is tighter and younger. Also, there is a visible improvement in the contour of the body. Usually after the second treatment, the results are immediately visible, but for the best result it is advisable to complete the cycle of sessions required.

In which areas is body mesotherapy applied?

Areas of localized fat accumulation that exercise and diet cannot correct can be improved with body mesotherapy. Examples of such areas are the thighs, buttocks, knees, abdomen and arms.

What substances are injected into the skin during mesotherapy?

The most common substances used in body mesotherapy are organic silicon, hyaluronic acid, carnitine and caffeine.

What are the results of the operation and how long do they last?

After the application of body mesotherapy, the patient notices, in addition to the loss of local fat, the appearance of his skin is tighter and younger. Also, there is a visible improvement in the contour of the body. Usually after the second treatment, the results are immediately visible, but for the best result it is advisable to complete the cycle of sessions required.

What other treatments can mesotherapy be combined with?

Impressive results are provided by the combination of body mesotherapy and PDO threads. It is also often combined with cryolipolysis or radiofrequency. It is important, regardless of the treatments we apply to our body, to always follow a proper diet, regular physical exercise and plenty of fluids. This is the secret that will maximize and also maintain the good results longer!

What other treatments can mesotherapy be combined with?

  • The results are visible from the very first sessions
  • You can immediately return to your daily life
  • Local bruising subsides very quickly
  • The method is almost painless
  • No surgery is required
  • Its duration is long
  • It is perhaps the biggest enemy against cellulite
  • Significantly improves blood circulation in the skin
  • It is a safe and approved procedure and is used in all European countries
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