
Improve your appearance and psychology by correcting the shape and size of your nose.

Nose surgery or Rhinoplasty

Nose surgery or rhinoplasty, as it is called, aims to improve the appearance of the nose and, occasionally, the breath. The nose being a central feature of the human face, we are quite aware of its special features, such as size, shape and skin quality.

An aquiline or crooked nose, or even a big nose, may be annoying and reduce a person’s confidence, but sometimes is also the subject of annoying comments and mockery. In the case of nose deformity nose being a result of injuries at a younger age, then rhinoplasty will help.

A big category of rhinoplasties is performed on women whose noses have “masculine” features (size, shape), which do not tie in with their other female facial features. Attention to detail is essential, according to plastic surgeon Gaitanis, because a few millimeters difference can significantly improve the external appearance of the nose.


Improve your appearance and psychology by correcting the shape and size of your nose.

Indications (is my nose suitable for rhinoplasty?)

In general, most forms of asymmetry, as well as imperfections in the appearance of the nose, regardless of how small they are, are indications for plastic surgery. Of course, big or crooked noses, especially when viewed from the side (a reason why patients with such noses avoid profile photography), may be transformed with rhinoplasty.

Changing the appearance of the nose with the help of rhinoplasty improves, in addition to the external appearance of the face, a person’s confidence. A cosmetic nose surgeon must also follow the rules of facial harmony, as well as the patient’s special requirements. Nose surgery may be performed as soon as nasal skeleton development is completed, which for girls is 16 years and for boys 17 years.

First rhinoplasty visit

A detailed conversation between the doctor and the patient in the plastic surgeon’s clinic is required before the surgery. During this meeting, a detailed medical history will be obtained. Particular attention will be paid to any previous history of injuries or nose surgeries. If any other nose surgery has preceded, then the minimum waiting period before the next corrective surgery is nine months to one year. The most important question the plastic surgeon will ask you is what precisely you do not like about your nose.

It is worth noting that most patients know exactly what bothers them about their nose and in 95% of cases, what they ask for follows the rules of facial harmony and agrees with the aesthetic view of the doctor. Many patients bring their own photos with them, as well as photos from print media, to show the doctor the desired result that they think will suit their face.

The plastic surgeon will show them a large collection of preoperative and postoperative photos of their patients, with different types of rhinoplasties, and they will surely find a nose similar to their own, in order to understand their own postoperative effect.

Nose surgery

A successful rhinoplasty needs from one to two hours of surgery, depending on the operation that is required. In most cases, the operation is performed under general anesthesia and the patient goes home the same day or stays in the hospital overnight. In a few cases, to correct small imperfections, mainly on the tip of the nose, rhinoplasty can be done under local anesthesia.

The surgery is done with small incisions inside the nostrils, which are not visible from the outside. Incisions are sometimes made on the outside of the nose. If the nostrils need to be reduced, then an incision is made in the area where the nostrils meet the nasolabial fold and the incision is barely visible. If extensive work needs to be done on the tip of the nose, then sometimes open rhinoplasty is performed, with a small incision in the middle wall of the nostrils, which is also difficult to see.

Subsequently, the hump of the nose is removed with a precision osteotome and it is made sure that the profile of the nose is the desired one. Then, again with the help of precision osteotomes, the two nasal bones are moved to the midline, so that the nasal canopy can close and its width be reduced.

A modern technique used by Dr. Gaitanis, allows fractures of the nasal bones to be made in such a way that, in most cases, there is no postoperative bruising of the area under the eyes.

Before the rhinoplasty

Operation Day

After rhinoplasty

The patient wakes up in bed and is in a semi-vertical position, with the help of pillows, in order to reduce postoperative swelling. They breathe through their mouth during the first hours after surgery, until the gelatinized gauze is removed from their nostrils the next morning. The small plastic splint will remain in place for a week and during that time the patient should avoid blowing their nose, as well as any form of physical exercise, except for normal walking.

Also, for the same amount of time, the patient should sleep with their head slightly raised with pillows and avoid body postures which increase the blood flow to the head, such as bending down. After one week, the patient will visit the plastic surgeon’s clinic and the splint will be removed.

The modern USA methods used by Dr. Gaitanis most of the time result in no bruises appearing around the eyes of patients after rhinoplasty, without of course affecting the final result of the procedure. If a small external hemorrhage occurs during the postoperative period, it is easily stopped by lifting the head and applying light pressure and ice.

Finally, the nasal septum is adjusted to the new dimensions of the nose and also, if necessary, its position is improved to help the patient’s breathing. The shape and size of the cartilage of the tip of the nose is improved, so that the best possible result is achieved, without the nose looking operated on.

At the end of the procedure, a small tampon of gelatinized gauze is placed inside each nostril and the nose is protected with a small plastic splint.

What to look out for after rhinoplasty

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Apostolos Gaitanis can combine your personal needs with the most modern techniques in cosmetic plastic surgery in order to achieve the best possible result.

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