The most effective weapons of aesthetic medicine for the body

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The new Fractora Plus promises “attack” on the difficult parts of the body. For the sensitive areas of the body such as the inner surface of the arms, the inner part of the thighs & knees, as well as the abdominal area, the innovative skin thermal regeneration treatment “Fractora Plus” is specially designed. This is a new non-invasive tightening method that “intervenes” in difficult areas with the help of radio frequencies.

How does the method work?

Fractora Plus uses radiofrequency technology to offer maximum tightness to the deeper layers of the skin. The energy of the radio frequency stimulates the creation of new collagen and contracts the various layers of the skin, thus giving an improved appearance to the skin.

The Fractora Plus application has been developed based on technological developments and the clinical success of the exclusive A.C.E. (Achieve = I do, Control = I control, Extend = I develop). This technology channels the energy in such a way as to ensure that no area receives less or more energy than is appropriate, thus optimizing the end result and ensuring its stability.

For whom is it suitable?

Fractora Plus treatment is aimed at those who seek a non-invasive therapeutic approach against sagging, aging and skin irregularities.

In which areas does it apply?

Fractora Plus is suitable for tightening difficult areas such as the arms, the inside of the legs and the abdomen area – even immediately after pregnancy – as well as other areas of the body that need tightening. It is also recommended for the treatment of aging and poor skin texture, as well as for cases of cellulite.

After the application of the method, a slight erythema (redness) may appear in the treatment area, but it subsides in a few hours.

The exact number of sessions is determined according to the individual assessment of the needs of each patient by the doctor. Six weekly sessions are usually recommended.

If, however, the problem of skin sagging is not very serious, fewer sessions are required and at less frequent intervals.

The treatment is performed on the face at the points of relaxation, with the corresponding Fractora Firm, dealing with the signs of aging in more specific areas such as the forehead, goose foot, upper and lower eyelid, nasopharyngeal folds, jaw and neck.

Mesotherapy with caffeine injections, one of the top cellulite treatments

This is a non-invasive method of treating cellulite that is performed with injections containing multivitamin preparations.

Mesotherapy is a treatment of cellulite which is applied for many years abroad and is recently used in our country. It is considered quite an effective method. Its results are even better when performed in combination with other methods of treating cellulite, such as Endermologie that performs lymphatic massage.

Caffeine injections prevent and treat aesthetic problems such as skin sagging, skin aging, cellulite and more. The application is carried out in the areas where cellulite appears, it is done by injecting multivitamin preparations, with small ones that have a very small and thin needle, so that the ingredients penetrate better into the skin and the results are immediately visible.

The treatment is painless and depending on the case, usually a number of 4-6 sessions are performed, between a period of about 1 week.

The results of mesotherapy are already visible from the second session and the circulation is restored even in the most distant cells, which are compressed and present the cellulite appearance of “orange peel”.

A woman, after completing a number of sessions, can repeat a few sessions 6 months later to maintain the result. Usually 3 repetitive applications are recommended (1 per week).

Between treatments what a woman needs to take care of is to take a cool shower, ie the water should be neither too hot nor too cold.

After the application of the mesotherapy, some slight bruises usually appear on the points where the application has been made, but they gradually subside.

Mesotherapy is contraindicated in cases where there is hypersensitivity to caffeine.

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